Algonquin College

Dr. Wahab Almuhtadi, P.Eng., PhD has over 26 years of university teaching experience, and in parallel, over 32 years of industry experience. He is a Professor and Coordinator of the Optical Systems and Sensors Program at Algonquin College and Carleton University. He is also the Research & Development Coordinator at the School of Advanced Technology, Algonquin College. Previously, he worked at Nortel as Senior System Engineer, Optical Solutions Research & Development.
With his strong professional background, he demonstrated outstanding leadership in establishing the Applied Research with $10.5M fund that fostered Algonquin College to become a Polytechnic Institution. He’s the founder of the $6M cutting-edge Optophotonics Lab/Optical Communications Network 200 Gbps, the only lab of its kind in any educational institution. He is one of the founders of the Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN) with $65 million in funding. His expertise is in photonics, optical systems and sensors, optical communications and wireless. He has published several technical papers and books. He received several prestigious awards from IEEE, academia, and industry. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), as well as a Fellow with the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC).
Dr. Almuhtadi is actively involved in IEEE over 30 years serving in many executive level posts across IEEE (IEEE TAB/MGA, Society Region, Section, Chapter, Committee, Student Branch). Just to name a few, he served as the IEEE President and the Chair of Board of Governors of IEEE Consumer Technology Society - CTSoc (2019-2022), and served as a Member of the IEEE Technical Activities Board-TAB (2019-2022). He served as Vice President of Education of IEEE CTSoc (2017-2018). Dr. Almuhtadi has organized and chaired 35+ national and international engineering conferences and symposia (e.g., Executive Conference Chair of IEEE ICC 2012 and ICC 2021; and currently IEEE ICC 2025 Montreal).
Dr. Almuhtadi is currently serving as Member of IEEE CTSoc BoG, and IEEE ComSoc BoG. He is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Almuhtadi is the IEEE Canada President-Elect/IEEE Region 7 Director-Elect (2024-2025), and Member of IEEE Board of Directors (the highest Board of IEEE).