Université de Sherbrooke

François Claveau is Canada Research Chair in Applied Epistemology and Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics at the Université de Sherbrooke. With a multidisciplinary background in philosophy, political science, economics and STS (Science and Technology Studies), his work is in the field of the "science of science", where he mainly studies various manifestations of science oriented towards public policy. In this capacity, he leads the Research axis of the Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique.
In his research, François Claveau mobilizes a variety of computational methods (e.g., network analysis and natural language processing). He is also deeply involved in organizing the SSH (social sciences and humanities) research community for the rigorous use of computational methods and digital tools. Since 2018, he iis director of two research platforms with this vocation: the Bureau des initiatives numériques (BIN) and the Plateforme en humanités numériques (PHuN). These platforms support dozens of SSH research teams each year.
François Claveau demonstrates SSH leadership on various issues related to digital research such as capacity building in research data management. He also leads a software development initiative to meet the STS need for an open-source computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS).