Université de Montréal

Emmanuel Château-Dutier is an architectural historian and assistant professor in digital museology at the Université de Montréal. His research focuses on the administration of public architecture in France in the nineteenth century, the architectural profession, and architectural publishing. In addition, his work concerns digital museology and digital art history. He participates, or has participated, in several important collective research projects in art history that place digital technology at the heart of their thinking. In particular, he was the digital director of the critical edition of the Cours d’Antoine Desgodets, and he is one of the main collaborators of the Guides de Paris project of Labex les Passés dans le présent. In addition to several personal research projects funded by SSHRC and FRQSC, he has been involved since 2018 in a multidisciplinary research on Parisian experts in the 18th century, supported by the French National Research Agency. Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier is a member of the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN), he is part of the Coordinating Committee of the Humanistica association and is the French-speaking Vice-President of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH/SCHN).